Vol. 1, Issue 12, Part L (2015)
Performance analysis of different orthogonal transform for image processing application
Performance analysis of different orthogonal transform for image processing application
Rita Rani
In modern communication technologies, the demand of image data compression increasing rapidly. This paper presents different methods for image compression like DCT, Walsh, Hadamard and Walsh Hadamard. Main objective of this paper is to achieve the higher compression ratio and lower the Mean square error. Different test images over different orthogonal transform are used to achieve the performance and coding efficiency. Hadamard transform gives less improvement in PSNR and large value of MSE as compare to walsh transform which gives better PSNR and Lesser MSE. Walsh-Hadamard enhances its performance and finally DCT gives least MSE and high PSNR.
How to cite this article:
Rita Rani. Performance analysis of different orthogonal transform for image processing application. Int J Appl Res 2015;1(12):844-847.