Vol. 1, Issue 13, Part E (2015)
Closure in three layers as a modification of the surgycal technique extracapsular lumpectomy in tumours of parotid gland
Closure in three layers as a modification of the surgycal technique extracapsular lumpectomy in tumours of parotid gland
Gomez Poveda AJ, Martinez Diaz F, Aliaga Sanchez A
We present a modification of the extracapsular lumpectomy getting a closure in three layers from a study of benign parotid tumors during the years 2005 to 2014 of the Region of Murcia(Spain) that showed more conservative surgycal techniques: extracapsular lumpectomy vs conservative superficial parotidectomy, with bibliographic support, with 10 figures and 1 table. We conclude by studying surgical techniques (extracapsular lumpectomy with closure in three layers vs extracapsular lumpectomy) used in this region that the lumpectomy, with less sd de Frey and sinking.
How to cite this article:
Gomez Poveda AJ, Martinez Diaz F, Aliaga Sanchez A. Closure in three layers as a modification of the surgycal technique extracapsular lumpectomy in tumours of parotid gland. Int J Appl Res 2015;1(13):322-325.