Vol. 1, Issue 13, Part G (2015)
Multiple variations in the external features of a single cadaveric liver - A case report
Multiple variations in the external features of a single cadaveric liver - A case report
Patra S
Introduction: Gross abnormalities of the liver are rare inspite of its complex development. These anomalies often go unnoticed as they are asymptomatic but found incidentally at autopsy and laparotomy which might lead to confusion during surgery or clinical misdiagnosis. AIM: The present case report describes a myriad of variations in the external morphology of a single cadaveric liver which could cause potential errors during diagnostic procedures.rnMaterials and Methods: This liver specimen was procured from a female cadaver during routine dissection of abdomen, in the Department of Anatomy SCB MCH, Cuttack. Observations: i) Single accessory fissure of length – 6 cm, depth 3 cm ii) accessory caudate lobe of length 17 mm, breadth- 15 mm thickness- 7 mm iii) Absence of fissure for ligamentumteres iv) another accessory lobe at the junction of posterior and inferior surface on the right lobe length – 45mm from the root of attachment and breadth – 30 mm v) a very prominent papillary process vi) ligamentum teres was found embedded in the substance of the liver on its inferior surface. Conclusion: This study would certainly throw light on the importance of such variant appearance for having a favourable surgical outcome for surgeons during segmental resection, planning biliary surgery or a portosystemic anastomosis, for clinicians to rule out diseases and radiologists when interpreting liver radiologic findings.
How to cite this article:
Patra S. Multiple variations in the external features of a single cadaveric liver - A case report. Int J Appl Res 2015;1(13):454-455.