Vol. 1, Issue 13, Part K (2015)
Promoting computer knowledge among D.T.Ed students
Promoting computer knowledge among D.T.Ed students
M Deivam
Computer is playing very vital role in every aspect of life, especially in the teaching and learning process. Present days teachers are widely using computer in classroom for different purpose such as instruction, evaluation, ranking etc. The main objective of this study is to find out the Computer Knowledge among Teacher Trainees’. The variable of this study was computer knowledge as dependent variable and electronic presentation as independent variable. The investigator adopted single group experimental method. The study was conducted during the academic year 2011-2012 (while intensive practice– M.Ed. Programme). The investigator selected 60 student teachers from Sri Ragavendar Institute of Teacher Training at K. Singarakottai, Dindigul district. The sampling technique used in the study was non-probability convenience sampling technique. The intervention strategies contains, Basic computer, OS, Storage devices, MS word, MS excel, MS PowerPoint, MS Access, Internet and HTML. Mean, Standard deviation and ‘t’value used to analyse the data. The findings of the study reveals that, there is a significant difference in the achievement of the Post-test scores over the Pre-test scores of D.T.Ed teacher trainees’ in Basic computer knowledge due to the exposure of electronic presentation based learning.
How to cite this article:
M Deivam. Promoting computer knowledge among D.T.Ed students. Int J Appl Res 2015;1(13):735-738.