Vol. 1, Issue 13, Part L (2015)
The problems of higher secondary students in Pondicherry region
The problems of higher secondary students in Pondicherry region
Antony Joseph J
The objective of the present study is to study “The Problems of Higher Secondary Students in Pondicherry Region†for which 300 Higher Secondary Students (150 boys and 150 Girls) in the age of 17 and above. The study was conducted through Normative survey method. The ‘Youth problem inventory by K.M Sandhya sharma’ was used to collect data. To analyze and interpret the data mean, S.D, t- test were used. The findings of the present study revealed that (i) There is significant difference in the mean of the problem scores of the Boys and Girls of Higher Secondary Students. (ii)There is no significant difference in the mean of the problem scores of the Urban and Rural Higher Secondary Students. (iii) There is no significant difference in the mean of the problem scores of the Private and Government schools students. (iv) There is no significant relationship between castes and problem of higher secondary students. (v) There is no significant relationship between economic background of the students and their problems. (vi) There is no significant relationship between Parents educational background and their children problems.
How to cite this article:
Antony Joseph J. The problems of higher secondary students in Pondicherry region. Int J Appl Res 2015;1(13):804-809.