Vol. 1, Issue 3, Part C (2015)
The fall of customs in the Chemmeen
The fall of customs in the Chemmeen
Nidhi Malik
“Chemmeen” is the narrative of the fisherman’s society. Ordinary forces are severely genuine adversary or acquaintances. It is far-off from a municipality vision of living. The fundamentals can obliterate a human being and his relatives; they can also construct it probable to survive for an additional year, that is, accordingly in the insignificant fishing societies it is the uncompromising spirit Katalamma, who instructions the conviction of the persons. She lives at the conviction of the persons. She lives at the underneath of the sea and the technique to her dwelling is completed appalling by vortex and untrustworthy contemporary. Mercilessly she castigates the depraved, negligent them downwards to her dreadful kingdom and sending sea monstrous and serpents to the seashore as a caution of the anger. The men at sea must be courageous and honourable. The women on seashore must be uncontaminated and uncorrupted to assurance the protection of their men on Katalamma’s dangerous waters.
How to cite this article:
Nidhi Malik. The fall of customs in the Chemmeen. Int J Appl Res 2015;1(3):88-89.