Vol. 1, Issue 4, Part B (2015)
Suggestive case study on evidence of effectiveness of customized education training based on the outcomes of cognitive ability testing to develop high mental (cognitive) abilities & personality in students between 14-20 year age group to achieve maximum e
Suggestive case study on evidence of effectiveness of customized education training based on the outcomes of cognitive ability testing to develop high mental (cognitive) abilities & personality in students between 14-20 year age group to achieve maximum e
HK Nanda, Shruti Marwaha
The present research was conducted to provide an insight into those scientific methodologies that can aid to reorder human intelligence to enhance and ameliorate learning process in students, to scientifically progress towards a suitable career choice for a more meaningful & successful life. The subjects aged between 14-20 years and hailed from urban, semi-urban & rural backgrounds. They were tested on cognitive ability tests in three phases. Initially 400 students were selected for the present longitudinal study. Out of them, 287 students appeared for test 2 after completing 180 days of customized training. Finally, 213 students appeared for test 3 after attending 360 days of customized training solution. It was witnessed that a universal measurement matrix & methodology can help to understand human cognition & to reorder it, to the desired levels. Further, a constant enhancement of all students from their initial natural ability level to their final gifted ability level was noticed in a year.
How to cite this article:
HK Nanda, Shruti Marwaha. Suggestive case study on evidence of effectiveness of customized education training based on the outcomes of cognitive ability testing to develop high mental (cognitive) abilities & personality in students between 14-20 year age group to achieve maximum e. Int J Appl Res 2015;1(4):47-54.