Vol. 1, Issue 4, Part B (2015)
Rural leaders in rural markets
Rural leaders in rural markets
Rashmi Siag, Sharad Choudhary
India is the second largest country in the population in the world. A large percentage of population lives in rural areas only. It provides a big rural market to the companies. Companies which had entered the rural market early are now known as leaders of rural market. Rural leaders are taking a more focused approach to compete in the rural market as well as they are tailoring their strategies according to the changing needs of rural consumers. Rural leaders are succeeding as they overcome the challenges by building mutually beneficial relationships with rural communities. Rural leaders are going beyond the traditional selling approaches which will provide them with the opportunity of making more profits. Unique model of sales and distribution network tailored to rural India’s needs can be a key to future growth.
How to cite this article:
Rashmi Siag, Sharad Choudhary. Rural leaders in rural markets. Int J Appl Res 2015;1(4):78-81.