Vol. 1, Issue 5, Part B (2015)
Effects of organic amendments in comparison with chemical fertilizer on cowpea growth
Effects of organic amendments in comparison with chemical fertilizer on cowpea growth
Rabia Badar, Maria Khan, Bisma Batool, Shabnum Shabbir
Stumpy soil fertility is caused by continue crop and using chemical fertilizer. The organic amendments able to boost soil fertility. The reason of this research was to investigate the effect of organic amendments in comparison with chemical fertilizer on cowpea plants growth parameters under pot culture experiments. Results indicated that all the organic amendments showed better plant growth and nutrient uptake when compared to chemical fertilizer and control. Obtained results highlight the prospects and potentials of using organic fertilizers as renewable natural fertilizers for cowpea growth. Several studies indicated that the applications of organic fertilizers in adequate quantities improves soil condition and growth parameters in field crops. The study suggested that application of organic fertilizer improve growth of plants.
How to cite this article:
Rabia Badar, Maria Khan, Bisma Batool, Shabnum Shabbir. Effects of organic amendments in comparison with chemical fertilizer on cowpea growth. Int J Appl Res 2015;1(5):66-71.