Vol. 1, Issue 6, Part C (2015)
A study of frustration tolerance in relation to achievement motivation and sports achievements
A study of frustration tolerance in relation to achievement motivation and sports achievements
Lakhmi Chand
The purpose of the current revision is to examine the combined result of getting motivation and sports achievement upon frustration lenience. For present study, 50 male high achiever sportspersons and 50 low achiever sportspersons from different sports were chosen as sample. The high achiever male sportspersons group consists of male sportspersons who took part in Inter-University championship for different sports and available top four places whereas low achiever male sportspersons group consist of sportspersons from inter college tournaments for various sports. Achievement motivation of selected subjects was evaluated by Achievement Motivation Inventory, prepared by Bhargava (2008). Frustration to Reaction Scale prepared by Dixit and Shrivastava (2011) was used to evaluate frustration tolerance of selected subjects. Results designate considerable key as well as interface effect of achievement motivation and sports achievement on frustration tolerance capacity of male sportspersons. It was accomplished that high achiever sportspersons with superior achievement motivation possesses enhanced excellence to tolerate frustrating condition as compared to low achiever sportspersons with poor achievement motivation.
How to cite this article:
Lakhmi Chand. A study of frustration tolerance in relation to achievement motivation and sports achievements. Int J Appl Res 2015;1(6):92-94.