ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF
S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Subject | Country |
1 | Enumeration of Tree species of Bhavnagar City, Gujarat state, India Bharat. B. Maitreya Pages: 149-153 | 1674 Views 273 Downloads Subject: Plant | Country: India | Plant | India |
2 | vk/kqfud fgUnh dfork esa eq[kfjr lekt ¼nq";ar dqekj ^lk;s esa /kwi* ds lanHkZ esa½ MkWŒ ch-ds- xxZ Pages: 154-155 | 333 Views 171 Downloads Subject: Hindi | Country: India | Hindi | India |
3 | bfrgkl cks/k ds ifj–'; esa ^fdrus ikfdLrku*% euq";rk dk uO; bfrgkl MkWŒ fdj.k xzksoj Pages: 156-160 | 508 Views 268 Downloads Subject: Hindi | Country: India | Hindi | India |
4 | Concern for the future generations: Some perspectives Sulagna Pal Pages: 161-165 | 1445 Views 117 Downloads Subject: Philosophy | Country: India | Philosophy | India |
5 | Make in India through Unorganized Manufacturing Sector: SWOT Analysis Dr. Ravindra Tripathi, Dr. Rajesh Kumar Shastri, Nikhil Yadav Pages: 166-169 | 1522 Views 230 Downloads Subject: Humanities and Social Science | Country: India | Humanities and Social Science | India |
6 | Prospect for Unorganised Manufacturing Sector in India: A Comparative Study with respect to China Dr. Ravindra Tripathi, Iftaqar Ahmad Pages: 170-172 | 1505 Views 123 Downloads Subject: Humanities and Social Science | Country: India | Humanities and Social Science | India |
7 | Special economic zone: evaluation of incentives and performance Dr. Ravindra Tripathi, Pages: 173-176 | 1459 Views 104 Downloads Subject: Humanities and Social Science | Country: India | Humanities and Social Science | India |
8 | Child and police administration in India: A study Aarti A. Tayde Pages: 177-179 | 1498 Views 108 Downloads Subject: Law | Country: India | Law | India |
9 | A study on reaction time and heart rate responses in shuttle run between trained and untrained boys Dinabandhu Naskar, Tarun Mondal Pages: 180-183 | 1592 Views 129 Downloads Subject: Physical Education | Country: India | Physical Education | India |
10 | Removal of pollution load from tannery effluent by Using Amla Sawdust (Emblica Officinalis) as an adsorbent Pushpendra Kushwaha, Kanjan Upadhyay Pages: 184-187 | 1452 Views 134 Downloads Subject: Botany | Country: India | Botany | India |
11 | श्रीमद् भगवद्गीता में यज्ञ का महत्व डाॅ. आशा उपाध्याय Pages: 188-189 | 243 Views 141 Downloads Subject: Sanskrit | Country: India | Sanskrit | India |