Vol. 1, Issue 7, Part E (2015)
A study to determine the correlation between maternal body mass index and obstetric operative intervention
A study to determine the correlation between maternal body mass index and obstetric operative intervention
Dr. Gaurav. Chopade, Dr. Shilpa. Naik, Dr. Poonam. Vishnoi
This is a prospectivernstudy consisting of 325 women delivered in Sasson general hospital Pune aimedrnto determine the correlation between maternal body mass index and obstetricrnoperative intervention in the form of caesarean section deliveries andrninstrumental deliveries. Patients were registered before or at 18 weeks ofrngestation. They were followed in antenatal out patient department every monthrnupto 28 weeks of gestation, later every 2 weeks till 36 weeks of gestation andrnweekly there after till delivery. In this study we conclude that incidence ofrncaesarian deliveries and instrumental deliveries is more as we move fromrngestational weight gain less than normal category to gestational weight gainrnmore than normal category in relation with BMI.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Gaurav. Chopade, Dr. Shilpa. Naik, Dr. Poonam. Vishnoi. A study to determine the correlation between maternal body mass index and obstetric operative intervention. Int J Appl Res 2015;1(7):262-264.