Vol. 1, Issue 7, Part F (2015)
A study of mental health of pupil teachers in relation to their aptitude towards teaching profession
A study of mental health of pupil teachers in relation to their aptitude towards teaching profession
Dr. Udaivir Sharma
This paper aims to study about mental health of pupil teachers in relation to their aptitude towards teaching profession. This research is survey type. The objective of this research is to assess the label of mental health of pupil teachers towards teaching profession and to study the relationship between mental health and aptitude towards teaching profession. The null hypotheses have been framed; there is no relationship between mental health, teaching aptitude and mental health of different streams and gender of pupil teachers. The purposes sampling technique was used in this study. The sample has been taken from different colleges of Lucknow district. Data have been collected with Mental Health Check-list (MHC) developed by Dr. Pramod Kumar and Teaching Aptitude Test (TAT) developed by Dr. S.C. Gakhar and Dr. Rajnish, these tools published by Rakhi Prakashan, Kacheri Ghat, Agra-282004 (U.P.). The appropriate statistics technique was used for data analysis in this study. The findings and conclusions of the study are, there is no relationship between mental health, teaching aptitude towards teaching profession and teaching aptitude is same of all streams and gender of pupil teachers so, streams and gender have no effect on teaching aptitude. The educational implication of this study is relevant at different label of teaching profession. With the help of this study we find the reason for the pupil teacher’s poor performance and come up with a treatment plant early so the pupil teachers can perform up to full potential and this study may help also policy planner.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Udaivir Sharma. A study of mental health of pupil teachers in relation to their aptitude towards teaching profession. Int J Appl Res 2015;1(7):344-348.