Vol. 1, Issue 7, Part I (2015)
A Study among Individual Sports, Combine Sport and Team Sports on Compitition Sport Anxiety
A Study among Individual Sports, Combine Sport and Team Sports on Compitition Sport Anxiety
Lakhmi Chand
The purpose of the study was to find out the anxiety level among individual, team and combine sports. 90 subjects were randomly selected, 30 each from individual, combine and team sports. The age of the athletes were from 22±5 years old. The individual sports athletes were chosen from athletics, archery, cycling and horse riding. Combine sports athletes were chess boxing, korfball and team sports athletes were from football, hockey and basketball. All were contestant in the national games from Kerala (31 January 2015 to 14 February 2015). The Sport Competition Anxiety Test by (Merten, 1977) was used for evaluation of anxiety of athletes. One way analysis of variance was used to evaluate among the groups on competition anxiety level. The results explain that in spite of different nature of activities there is also different level of sports anxiety exist in between individual sports and team sports athletes and the differences doesn’t exist between individual sports and combine sports and combine with team sports athletes. And as compared to the mean scores among the sports the anxiety level is slightest in individual sports.
How to cite this article:
Lakhmi Chand. A Study among Individual Sports, Combine Sport and Team Sports on Compitition Sport Anxiety. Int J Appl Res 2015;1(7):525-528.