Vol. 1, Issue 8, Part K (2015)
Treatment Efficiency Study of Nizwa New Sewage Treatment Plant
Treatment Efficiency Study of Nizwa New Sewage Treatment Plant
Satyanarayana SV, Natiq Joodi, Ali Saleh Al Kendy
Water is life. There is arnhuge gap between supply and demand of safe drinking water due to populationrnexplosion. There is a need to recycle and reuse waste water to meet the growingrndemand for water. In some developed countries like Malaysia, waste water isrnbeing converted in to drinking water. Nizwa new sewage treatment plant has arnmodified activated sludge process to improve treatment efficiency. The sewagernafter removing suspended solids enters aeration tank. High capacity surfacernaerators are supplying oxygen to activate the sludge. In secondary treatmentrncoagulation is by-passed. Aeration tank outlet enters clarifier. The clarifierrnoutlet water is passed through membranes. The waste water from membrane filterrnis recycled back in to process. Sewage treatment plant BOD and COD removalrnefficiency is 99%, Nitrate-nitrogen is 80% and TDS efficiency is 50%. Therntreatment efficiency of Nizwa new STP is rated as excellent.
How to cite this article:
Satyanarayana SV, Natiq Joodi, Ali Saleh Al Kendy. Treatment Efficiency Study of Nizwa New Sewage Treatment Plant. Int J Appl Res 2015;1(8):635-637.