Vol. 1, Issue 8, Part M (2015)
A case of sebaceous horn of lower eyelid in a 46 year old male patient- a case report and study of literature
A case of sebaceous horn of lower eyelid in a 46 year old male patient- a case report and study of literature
D Udayakumar MS, M Nirmala MS, Rajeshbabu Konakanchi, Shyamala Malla
A 46 yr old male presents as a small swelling in the lower eye lid margin from 15 days and later turned into horn like projection for 4 days.
How to cite this article:
D Udayakumar MS, M Nirmala MS, Rajeshbabu Konakanchi, Shyamala Malla. A case of sebaceous horn of lower eyelid in a 46 year old male patient- a case report and study of literature. Int J Appl Res 2015;1(8):779-780.