Vol. 1, Issue 9, Part D (2015)
Pharmacological actions and potential uses of Grewia asiatica: A review
Pharmacological actions and potential uses of Grewia asiatica: A review
Sangeeta Paul
India has a diverse variety of medicinally important plants which have been claimed with beneficial therapeutic effects along with better tolerability in terms of side effects. G. asiatica also known as phalsa, a member of tiliaceae family is a small fruit crop cultivated in warmer season and is known to contain cyanidin 3- glucoside, vitamin C, minerals. A brief review of work so far carried out is compiled in the present study showing radioprotective, antioxidant, antimalarial, antihyperglycemic, antipyretic, analgesic, antifungal, antiviral, antiplatelate, anticancer and immunomodulatory effect of plant.
How to cite this article:
Sangeeta Paul. Pharmacological actions and potential uses of Grewia asiatica: A review. Int J Appl Res 2015;1(9):222-228.