Vol. 1, Issue 9, Part K (2015)
Environment Awareness of different streams of students
Environment Awareness of different streams of students
Mahender Kumar, Dr. Ashok Kumar Sharma
This study examined thernattitudes and behaviors of university students towards environmental awareness.rnFive stream namely Physical Education, Engineering, Medical, Management andrnArts. There were 500 students (100 students of each stream) of Sirsa and Fatehbadrndistricts, selected for the study. To know about attitude towards environmentrnawareness self-made questionnaire was used. Results of the study revealed that there was significance differentrnamong the students of five streams and a positive correlation between attitudesrnand behaviors at the end of the course. These findings suggest a need forrnstressing the importance of environmental awareness in an educational setting,rnin order to benefit both student knowledge and future welfare of the greaterrnpopulation.
How to cite this article:
Mahender Kumar, Dr. Ashok Kumar Sharma. Environment Awareness of different streams of students. Int J Appl Res 2015;1(9):704-706.