AbstractObjectives: To assess the existing level of knowledge and effectiveness of planned teaching programme regarding ill effects of prolong use of diaper in infants among mothers and to find out association of knowledge score with the selected demographic variables. The research hypothesis was there will be significant difference in pretest and post test knowledge score among mothers.
Methodology: This study was based on the Quantitative approach, Pre-experimental one group Pretest –Posttest design. The samples were 60 mothers of infant selected by convenient sampling technique. Structured Knowledge questionnaire was used to assess the ill effects of prolong use of diaper in infants among mothers
Results: In pretest 8.33% of the mothers had very poor knowledge, 25% had poor, 33.33% had average, 31.67% had good, and 1.67% of the mothers had very good level of knowledge score respectively. But in the post test, 28.33% of mothers had excellent knowledge, 38.33% of samples had very good knowledge, and 33.33% of mothers had good knowledge. There was a marked improvement in the post test score as mean was 22.21compared to pretest mean score 12.81. So the hypothesis was accepted. There was a significant association between post-test knowledge score with age of the mothers (F=20.07, p<0.05); Income of the family per month (F=3.44, P<0.05); previous knowledge (t=6.71, P<0.05).
Conclusion: The planned teaching programme was effective on enhancing the knowledge regarding ill effects of prolong use of diaper in infants among mothers.