Vol. 2, Issue 1, Part G (2016)
Study of M. Sc. Theses in Vegetable Science department at KNK College of Horticulture Mandsaur, (M.P.)
Study of M. Sc. Theses in Vegetable Science department at KNK College of Horticulture Mandsaur, (M.P.)
HC Bharvey, Dr. Ramnivas Sharma
This paper deal with bibliometric monitoring of M.Sc. Theses in Vegetable science department at K. N. K. College of Horticulture, Mandsaur. The study period of 7 Year (2008-2014) covering total theses of college 135 and department total theses are 25. The study have been analyzed year- wise, vegetable- wise, supervisor- wise, gender- wise.
How to cite this article:
HC Bharvey, Dr. Ramnivas Sharma. Study of M. Sc. Theses in Vegetable Science department at KNK College of Horticulture Mandsaur, (M.P.). Int J Appl Res 2016;2(1):442-445.