Vol. 2, Issue 1, Part I (2016)
Green management: Road to sustainability & corporate efficiency
Green management: Road to sustainability & corporate efficiency
Hage Tam, Dr. Taruna
Nature has provided us with limited resources on the earth, but the want is unlimited, once fulfilled another will crop up. With such nature of human there is requirement of planning which help to sustain the need of people. Going green currently is high profile activity to focus upon, by looking into situation the green practices is crucial aspect of any corporate. The management must arm with such strategy which helps them to compete & sustain for long. Green Management is a comprehensive phenomenon which has developed particular important in the modern era. With the advancement of the world the concept of eco-friendly activity is given more importance in all the socio-economical aspect and in all level. Environmental activist are blaming the industrial sectors as the major contributors for depleting natural resources and environmental degradation. So, the management now a day emphasis more to take utmost care in this field along with satisfying the market demands. To overcome the difficulties arise out of corporate operation a new concept has develop in the present globalized world where the planning, organising, staffing, directing & controlling are carried effectively ensuring environmental impact. This concept is known as ‘Green Management’. By this paper researcher focus on what can be possible reason for opting green practice; how effective business can be; which forces can deprive business from green practice and give few possible answer to a question in related to stakeholders of business, who are concerned about the environment. This research paper explores the challenges and opportunities businesses have with green management. Also paper highlights and concludes that green management is something new that will continuously cultivate in both practice and demand and its scope for progressive study on its key area.
How to cite this article:
Hage Tam, Dr. Taruna. Green management: Road to sustainability & corporate efficiency. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(1):586-590.