Vol. 2, Issue 1, Part L (2016)
Employees view on implementation of CRM systems at commercial banks
Employees view on implementation of CRM systems at commercial banks
Dr. K Ganesamurthy
CRM is the Information Technology face of the business process that aims to establish enduring the mutually-beneficial relationships with customers in order to drive customer retention, value and profitability. It is meant for a common and equal good of the two stakeholders-businesses and their customers. These changed are compelling the banks to re-organise themselves in order to cope with the present conditions. Though the banks are very keen in providing CRM to the customer to satisfy them, it may not know the customer satisfaction or at the least their expectations. Hence, the present study is implementation of CRM systems at commercial banks and examines the employees’ view on implementation of CRM at banks.
How to cite this article:
Dr. K Ganesamurthy. Employees view on implementation of CRM systems at commercial banks. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(1):766-770.