Vol. 2, Issue 1, Part L (2016)
Assessment of knowledge of school teachers regarding epilepsy
Assessment of knowledge of school teachers regarding epilepsy
Vinay Kumari, Maya Patlia
The unpredictable nature of epilepsy means that teachers may unexpectedly, without warning, have to react to a seizure as school children with seizure disorder spend most of their daytime socializing and interacting with their teachers. The present study aimed to assess the knowledge on Epilepsy among 97school teachers working in selected schools of Panchkula, Haryana using a structured knowledge questionnaire. The findings show that, majority (88.7%) of the school teachers had ever heard of epilepsy; none of the teacher had attended any training programme on Epilepsy. All the teachers were having poor level of knowledge (0-24) i.e below 50%. About 28.9% were not aware of any symptom of the Epilepsy and 15.5% answered that something (alcohol, ether, leather) should be given to smell during a seizure. Only 45.4% school teachers were aware that a person with seizure disorder/epilepsy should seek treatment from a neurologist. It can be concluded that knowledge is inadequate among the school teachers on concept, symptoms and management of epilepsy. There is an urgent need to train school teachers regarding Epilepsy and its management.
How to cite this article:
Vinay Kumari, Maya Patlia. Assessment of knowledge of school teachers regarding epilepsy. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(1):777-780.