Vol. 2, Issue 10, Part E (2016)
A study of self-actualization among high school adolescents belonging to district Kathua
A study of self-actualization among high school adolescents belonging to district Kathua
Jagbir Singh
Self-actualization has been studied among various occupational groups such as managers, supervisors, administrators, counselors, principles teachers and secondary school boys and girls. The objectives of the study were to find difference in self – actualization of boys and girls, boys and girls studying in 9th and 10th class, boys studying in 9th class and 10th class and girls studying in 9th and 10th class. The hypothesis of the study were there is a significant difference in self-actualization of high school boys and girls, boys studying in 9th and 10th class, girls studying in 9th and 10th class, boys and girls studying in 9th and 10th class and boys and girls studying in 9th and 10th class. The study was delimited to district Kathua only. Descriptive survey method was used for the present study. The sample of the study was 200 (100 girls and 100 boys) by stratified sampling technique. The data was collected with the help of the K.N. Sharma Self-Actualization scale. Critical Ratio statistical technique was used to analyse the data. The main findings of the study were Boys and girls studying in high school do not differ in self – actualization, Boys studying in 9th and 10th class do not differ in self-actualization, No difference seen in self-actualization of girls studying in 9th and 10th class, Girls and boys studying in 10th class do not show any difference in self-actualization and No difference is observed in self-actualization of girls and boys studying in 9th class. The study is helpful for the parents, teachers and policy framer.
How to cite this article:
Jagbir Singh. A study of self-actualization among high school adolescents belonging to district Kathua. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(10):328-332.