Vol. 2, Issue 11, Part D (2016)
Importance of assistive technology in teaching for children with learning disabilities in India
Importance of assistive technology in teaching for children with learning disabilities in India
P Neeraja and K Anuradha
Elementary school age is the beginning stage of formal education and some children experience unexplained difficulty in acquiring basic academic skills usually termed as learning disability. Learning disabilities generally used as 'LD' is a general term that refers to a heterogeneous group of disorders manifested by significant difficulties in the acquisition and use of listening, speaking, reading, writing, reasoning, or mathematical abilities. Children with LD experience various adjustment problems. Adjustment is a continuous process by which an individual varies in behavior to produce a more harmonious relationship between oneself and his/her environment. Assistive technology can be defined as any item, piece of equipment or system that helps people bypass, work around or compensate for learning difficulties. Though assistive technologies are available there usage has not been promoted in India mainly ignorance, lack of awareness, knowledge and trained special educators leads to students often not getting necessary support. The present paper focuses on different types of assistive technology devices that were designed and used to solve written language, reading, listening, memory and mathematic problems of children with learning disabilities. There is a need for selecting the right technology tools for the children with learning disabilities, to enable achievement of the target goals, and highlighted instructional guides for the classroom teachers, that would make children with learning disabilities benefit maximally from the use of assistive technology tools, whether in the classroom or at home, in order that the technology would make the teaching – learning process enjoyable and productive. The paper also discusses possible challenges faced by developing nations in using assistive technology. The ways of improving potential for assistive technology for children with Learning Disability and to eliminate the learning difficulties to maximum extent are highlighted.
How to cite this article:
P Neeraja, K Anuradha. Importance of assistive technology in teaching for children with learning disabilities in India. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(11):238-243.