Vol. 2, Issue 11, Part E (2016)
A study on environmental ethics among the higher secondary students in Vellore district
A study on environmental ethics among the higher secondary students in Vellore district
Vidhya K
Environmental ethics refers to the responsibility to understand the environmental consequences of our consumption and need to recognize our individual and social responsibility to conserve natural environment and protect the earth for future generationâ€. The study was intended to evaluate the environmental ethics of higher secondary students belonging to Vellore district in Tamilnadu. The investigators employed the gender, locality of institution, type of institution, medium of instruction, parental qualification, residence of students, parental occupation and type of family of higher secondary students. The random sampling technique was employed. Descriptive and Differential analysis was used to analyze the data. The tool used for measure the environmental ethics by Dr. Haseen Taj, this scale consists of 45 items with 3 categories. The maximum score is 135 and the minimum possible score is 45. The findings of the study revealed that there exists significant difference in the environmental ethics of higher secondary students belonging to locality of institution, parental qualification and residence of students and show do not significant difference belonging to gender, type of institution, medium of instruction, parental occupation and type of family towards environmental ethics of higher secondary students.
How to cite this article:
Vidhya K. A study on environmental ethics among the higher secondary students in Vellore district. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(11):300-303.