Vol. 2, Issue 11, Part F (2016)
Humanism in Mulk Raj Anand’s novels
Humanism in Mulk Raj Anand’s novels
Dr. Kamini Singhal
Anand is called a champion of the down-trodden He is the first novelist writing in English to choose as his raw material from the lower class life of the Indian masses. He presents a realistic picture of Indian society in his novels. In the choice of themes, he is unquestionably an innovator. He has felt the pulse of Indian society He goes deep into the hearts of the poor and the down-trodden. He selects the lowest classes and the labouring classes to represent them in his novels. He pleads for the oppressed and exploited people in society. He has always felt that the less-privileged populations in a country like India has been deliberately kept at a level of sub-humanity. Anand's preoccupation with contemporary issues and his faith in humanistic ideals are best reflected in the course of the narrative of his novels. The problems that generally engage him in his novels are the exploitation of the poor, social discrimination based on race relations etc. As he is a humanist by conviction. He tries to project the problems, conflicts and aspirations of the underdog in Indian society in a compassionate manner.