Vol. 2, Issue 12, Part D (2016)
The effect of constructivist 7-E model in teaching geography at secondary school level
The effect of constructivist 7-E model in teaching geography at secondary school level
Ginu George
Learning is an interaction between the learner and the learning experience. In this learner-centered learning, students engage in an active role in their learning. Constructivism is the model which emphasizes the fact that learners construct or build their own understanding. For this purpose, there are several Constructivist models were formulated. One of the important Constructivist models 7-E Learning model. In this study an attempt has been made to understand the effectiveness of Constructivist 7-E Learning model of teaching in the class room learning. The Experimental method of research was adopted for the present study. The Statistical technique of uncorrelated mean of two tailed test were used. The Major finding of the study is that the Constructivist 7-E model is more effective than the traditional method of teaching Geography at Secondary School level.
How to cite this article:
Ginu George. The effect of constructivist 7-E model in teaching geography at secondary school level. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(12):239-242.