Vol. 2, Issue 2, Part A (2016)
Design of Fitness Multi Station FMS-TD 01 I Construction and deformation study using on finite element method (FEM)
Design of Fitness Multi Station FMS-TD 01 I Construction and deformation study using on finite element method (FEM)
Silviya Deckova, Tihomir Dobrev, Ventsislav Dimitrov
This papers proposed construction of Fitness Multi Station FMS-TD 01. The elements are designed in an environment of CAD systems Top Solid v.6.15, after that the model is converted into Solid Works 2015. Made analysis of stress and strain condition by FEM. For a numerical solution is used a software application Simulation Xpress of the SolidWorks. Theoretically defined by stress von Mises σ[MPa] and deformations (displacement) f[mm] of the general elements of the system, at a maximum load of 1000 [N].
How to cite this article:
Silviya Deckova, Tihomir Dobrev, Ventsislav Dimitrov. Design of Fitness Multi Station FMS-TD 01 I Construction and deformation study using on finite element method (FEM). Int J Appl Res 2016;2(2):01-03.