Vol. 2, Issue 2, Part A (2016)
Design of fitness multi station FMS-TD 01 II Geometric research of module "Leg Press"
Design of fitness multi station FMS-TD 01 II Geometric research of module "Leg Press"
Mina Coneva, Tihomir Dobrev, Ventsislav Dimitrov
In this papers proposed e classic algorithm for geometric study of a for articulated quadrilateral linkage mechanism with the pulley system. Studied is the functional relationship between height of lifting weights and moving incoming link. The proposed data conducted simulation study reporting the gear ratio and function of the position of the mechanism. The theoretical experiment is realized in an environment of software Matlab, design on a Top Solid' Design, model of "Leg Press".
How to cite this article:
Mina Coneva, Tihomir Dobrev, Ventsislav Dimitrov. Design of fitness multi station FMS-TD 01 II Geometric research of module "Leg Press". Int J Appl Res 2016;2(2):04-06.