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ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF

g-index: 90

Vol. 2, Issue 2, Part C (2016)

Knowledge and practice of antenatal services among multipurpose health workers (F)

Knowledge and practice of antenatal services among multipurpose health workers (F)

Radhika M, Dr. Kasthuri G
Background of The Study: Reproductive health is a crucial part of general health and a central feature of human development. More than three quarters of the population of our country live in rural areas. Maternal and neonatal mortality and morbidity continue to be high despite the existence of national programs for improving maternal and child health (MCH) in India. The primary health care services to rural areas of India are chiefly provided by Sub-Centre’s (SC). SC is the most vital peripheral contact point between the health system and the community. The multipurpose health workers at the SC have to take care of all the basic health needs of the rural population and thus become back-bone of the public health delivery system. These health workers (HW) can improve the overall coverage and quality of health services. Hence, it is very important to assess the level of their knowledge and practice in relation to key aspects services delivered under reproductive and child health services.
Materials and Methods: Research design: This is a descriptive cross sectional study. The study subjects were health workers – female working in rural sub centers.
rnSetting: The study was conducted in Rural PHCs & SCs of the Nellore District, Andhra Pradesh.
Sample size: 224 Multi-Purpose HW-F working in all the 37 PHCs and the SCs under these PHCs the District were included for the study.
Sampling technique: stratified random sampling technique was adopted to select the subjects.
Tools and techniques: Data were obtained by using self-administered structured Questionnaire method to assess the knowledge & structured observational check lists regarding antenatal services.
Results: shows that that 214(95.5%) had knowledge regarding the minimum no of Antenatal visits, 171 (76.3%) regarding ideal time for 1stANC,110 (98.7%), time for 2ND ANC, 203 (90.6%) about time of 1st dose of TT,218 (97.3 %)and 210 (93%) had knowledge about the timing of 2nd dose of TT. and 174 had knowledge about estimation of gestational age by using LMP. With regard to overall knowledge, majority of them 152 (67.9%) had moderately adequate knowledge and only 57 (25.4) had adequate knowledge and 15(6.7%) had inadequate knowledge. With regard to practice, majority of them, 213 (95.09%) had good practice and only 5 (2.23) had average practice
Conclusion: Majority of the multipurpose health workers (F)have moderately adequate knowledge.
Pages: 162-168  |  1647 Views  175 Downloads

International Journal of Applied Research
How to cite this article:
Radhika M, Dr. Kasthuri G. Knowledge and practice of antenatal services among multipurpose health workers (F). Int J Appl Res 2016;2(2):162-168.
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