Vol. 2, Issue 2, Part E (2016)
Phytochemical study of Abutilon indicum Linn. Medicinal plant
Phytochemical study of Abutilon indicum Linn. Medicinal plant
Neeta Mishra, SK Agnihotri
Herbal medicines are natural products and their phytoconstitutents vary depending on time and region, processing and storage. Variations in the collection, processing or storage of an herb could impact its efficacy profile. Since prior knowledge regarding appropriate collection and usage of most medicinal plants exists in tradition, it can be used as a guide to quality standardization. The present paper deals the phytochemical screening of Root & Leaf extract of Abutilon indicum. From the literature survey it is found that a very little work is done on root & leaf part of plant for on these lines. So, our aim is to find out again various standardization limits according WHO guideline. During phytochemical screening it was observed the loss of drying, ash values and extractive values etc. for root & leaf part of drug with a view to control the quality of crude drug.
How to cite this article:
Neeta Mishra, SK Agnihotri. Phytochemical study of Abutilon indicum Linn. Medicinal plant. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(2):291-293.