Vol. 2, Issue 2, Part I (2016)
An exploratory investigation on cross cultural impact study on Indian software expatriates
An exploratory investigation on cross cultural impact study on Indian software expatriates
H Rahamath Sulthana
The global business management system and cross cultural management of expatriate employees have been continuously evolving and the pressure of cross cultural adjustments and conflict management are gaining importance with respect MNCs organizational context. Hence, cross cultural management of software professionals is frequently affecting the performance of the MNCs. The value systems are generated from an assessment of existing means or resources, and needs. Cross-Cultural Competence is essential for global corporations to compete effectively in the world marketplace. On multi-national assignments, while tackling their mission as change agents, expatriates face distinct challenges ranging from socialization to their new work environment in the host country to concern over career path opportunities upon repatriation. Meanwhile, they are also struggling to understand regional cultural differences and the influence of local norms on leadership, teamwork and behavioral pattern encountered in their daily work. In this study that diverse cultures that encompass dissimilar cultural value systems of Indian software professionals who are involved in onshore assignments is investigated to check the degree of cross cultural impact in their profession.
How to cite this article:
H Rahamath Sulthana. An exploratory investigation on cross cultural impact study on Indian software expatriates. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(2):535-540.