Vol. 2, Issue 2, Part L (2016)
Suicides in India with respect to professional and educational Status
Suicides in India with respect to professional and educational Status
Dr. Simranjeet Singh Bains
Suicide implies an act of intentionally causing one’s own death. The various vital factors responsible for suicide are psychiatric disorders, drug misuse, psychological states, culture, genetic, economic, family and social situations. About eight lakh people commit suicide worldwide every year, of these 1.35 lakh (17%) are residents of India (G.O.I. Report, 2012). Keeping in view the gravity of the situation an attempt has been made to examine the intensity, nature, growth and S.M.R. (Suicidal Mortality Rate) of suicidal deaths with respect to professional and educational status of India from 2004 to 2013. Mean value, proportion, Average Annual Compound Growth Rates of suicidal deaths and S.M.R. are reckoned and results are presented using Histogram and Pie charts. Suicidal deaths in India have ascended from 113697 in 2004 to 134799 in 2013 at an A.A.C.G.R. of 2.29%, indicating a rising trend. S.M.R. is sufficiently high varies between the range of 10.32 to 11.35. Among the various heads of profession, self-employed and housewives figures about 69 percent of total suicidal deaths. In case of educational status, the heads of uneducated, primary and middle standard constitute 69% of total suicides in India, though A.A.C.G.R. is highest among graduates followed by the head of post-graduate and above during the period of analysis.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Simranjeet Singh Bains. Suicides in India with respect to professional and educational Status. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(2):770-774.