Vol. 2, Issue 3, Part A (2016)
Mental toughness in sport: In case of Mekelle university sport teams
Mental toughness in sport: In case of Mekelle university sport teams
Dr. RC Reddy, Theodros Berhanu
The purpose of this study was to examine the psychological profiles on mental toughness of Mekelle university Sport teams which participated in 8th public Universities sport festival hold in Adama University 2015. Thirty seven male athletes of the university team were selected as subjects belonging to three teams namely; Football (n=16); basketball (n=11); volleyball (n=10). Mental toughness questionnaire of Tiwari and Sharma (2006) was administered. Mean, standard deviation and one-way ANOVA were computed to compare means for differences among different teams. Level of significance was set at 0.05. Results revealed no significant difference on sub scales of mental toughness with regards to; self-confidence (p = .280>.05); motivation (p = .976>.05); goal setting (p = .099> .05); and visual imagery (p = .643> .05); in basketball, volleyball and football teams. Significant difference was seen on sub scales of mental toughness on; attention control (p = .01<.05); attitude control (p = .001< .05) and on overall mental toughness (p = .04< .05) in football, basketball and volleyball teams.
How to cite this article:
Dr. RC Reddy, Theodros Berhanu. Mental toughness in sport: In case of Mekelle university sport teams. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(3):01-03.