Vol. 2, Issue 3, Part B (2016)
The Indian smart village: Foundation for growing India
The Indian smart village: Foundation for growing India
Dr. Pritesh Y Shukla
A smart village knows about its citizens, available resources, applicable services and schemes. It knows what it needs asnd when it needs. Smart village initiative focuses on improved resource-use efficiency, empowered local self-governance, access to assured basic amenities and responsible individual and community behaviour to build a vibrant and happy society. The present research paper discusses about rural development in developing world for the up-liftman of livelihood of the rural masses. The driving motivation behind the concept on “Smart Village†is that the technology should acts as a means for development, enabling education and local business opportunities, improving health and welfare, enhancing democratic engagement and overall enhancement of rural village dwellers. Now it's need of the hour is - strategy, integrated planning and above all monitoring and execution of the activities using appropriate governance models. The present era is increased on Information and Communication Technology. This technology has proved its potential in various sectors of development in urban and rural areas. Researcher has made an attempt to correlate the different factors of the smart village and its implications.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Pritesh Y Shukla. The Indian smart village: Foundation for growing India. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(3):72-74.