ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF
S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Subject | Country |
1 | Production of biohydrogen gas from dairy industry wastewater by anaerobic fermentation process Ravi Kumar Parihar, Dr. Kanjan Upadhyay Pages: 512-515 | 1503 Views 176 Downloads Subject: Engineering | Country: India | Engineering | India |
2 | Recovery of plastic from E-waste Vimal Kumar Yadav, Dr. Kanjan Upadhyay Pages: 516-519 | 1520 Views 193 Downloads Subject: Engineering | Country: India | Engineering | India |
3 | Violence against women and sexual harassment at work places-issues and policies Bhagwati Prasad Chaudhary Pages: 520-524 | 1363 Views 178 Downloads Subject: Commerce and Management | Country: India | Commerce and Management | India |
4 | Factors affecting career choice of women in beautician course: A study in Sivasagar district Devika Phukan, Dr. Jyotiprasad Saikia Pages: 525-528 | 1545 Views 193 Downloads Subject: Sociology | Country: India | Sociology | India |
5 | Study of relationship between body mass index (BMI) and intra ocular pressure in western Rajasthan Gautam chand sirvi, Jayant Kumar, ND Soni, Raguveer Choudhary Pages: 529-530 | 1476 Views 123 Downloads Subject: Medical | Country: India | Medical | India |
6 | Performance measurement of small scale enterprises: Review of theoretical and empirical literature Yirgalem Tadele Gerba, P Viswanadham Pages: 531-535 | 2870 Views 1329 Downloads Subject: Management | Country: India | Management | India |
7 | A descriptive study to assess the impact of air pollution on birth weight of newborns at selected maternity corporation centres, Chennai P Latha, Dr. Latha Venkatesan, Dr. Helen Perdita Pages: 536-538 | 1579 Views 170 Downloads Subject: Nursing | Country: India | Nursing | India |
8 | Gunshot injuries in Maiduguri north eastern Nigeria Dr. S Aliyu, Dr. AG Ibrahim, Dr. BS Mohammed, Dr. J Jatau Pages: 539-541 | 1469 Views 130 Downloads Subject: Surgery | Country: Nigeria | Surgery | Nigeria |
9 | Service area approach – A cash credit facility for augmenting rural credit for economic uplift of rural people V Mrunalini Sasanka Pages: 542-545 | 1557 Views 262 Downloads Subject: Commerce and Management | Country: India | Commerce and Management | India |
10 | Digital literacy among library and information science research scholars of AMU and BHU: A comparative study Ravindra Kumar, Dr. MP Singh Pages: 546-548 | 1670 Views 345 Downloads Subject: Library and Information Science | Country: India | Library and Information Science | India |
11 | गाँधीवाद और प्रसाद युगीन हिन्दी नाटक डॉ० गीता पाण्डेय Pages: 549-551 | 337 Views 175 Downloads Subject: Hindi | Country: India | Hindi | India |
12 | Characterization and the biofilm formation of uropathogens in the diabetic patients with catheter associated urinary tract infections (UTIs) Srikant Kumar Dhar, Chandan Das and Surendranath Swain Pages: 552-555 | 937 Views 107 Downloads Subject: Medicine | Country: India | Medicine | India |