Vol. 2, Issue 4, Part L (2016)
The Idea of modern woman in Bharati Mukherjee’s wife
The Idea of modern woman in Bharati Mukherjee’s wife
A Rajalakshmi, Dr. KM Sumathi
Bharati Mukherjee illustrates a modern woman as a girl who rebellious, mutiny next to all prospect in her life daringly, adjusts herself to all traditions and atmospheres thereby existing and livelihood her life audaciously. Mukherjee swigs the best of Indian and Western culture, finds modern women to be mandatory clarification to gaze life with modishness. Her novel Wife stands out as a unique fictional work by virtue of its insightful probing into heroine’s psyche and its indubitable technical excellence. This paper scrutinizes a multiplicity of tribulations that occur in ordinary woman’s life, the quandary of bodily and psychologically beleaguered women and ultimately venture to specify the connotation of being a modern woman in order to surmount the obstruction in her life.
How to cite this article:
A Rajalakshmi, Dr. KM Sumathi. The Idea of modern woman in Bharati Mukherjee’s wife. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(4):744-745.