Vol. 2, Issue 5, Part I (2016)
A study of short term (6weeks) wound complications after caesarean section
A study of short term (6weeks) wound complications after caesarean section
Dr. T Sesha Sai, Dr. Sukanya Seshasai, Dr. M Kavitha Vasundhara
A Study of Short Term (6weeks) Wound Complications after Caesarean Section in 2100 cases of both elective and emergency cases for one year prospective study conducted. The incidence of wound complication in various risk factors like anemia, Chorioamnionitis, obstructed labour, PROM was studied. The impact of duration of operation, type of skin incision and skin closure on wound complication was also noted the antibiotic sensitivity pattern for organisms isolated was also studied. 21 patients out of 378 elective CS had wound complications (6%) where as the number of wound complications were higher in those who underwent emergency CS (13%).12% of patients developed wound complication with pfannenstiel incision compared to that of 10% with mid line vertical incision. Out of 2080 patients with mattress suture 250 (12 %) had wound complications where as 20 patients with sub-cuticular stitch developed 10% wound complications. 33%of the wound complications were seen in patients aged more than 35 years and 15%were seen between 21-25yrs. The various pathogens isolated by culture in our study are Staphylococcus Aureus, Pseudomonas Spp, Esch. coli, Enterobacter Spp. Few patients had no growth. The commonest organism obtained was Staphylococcus Aureus.
How to cite this article:
Dr. T Sesha Sai, Dr. Sukanya Seshasai, Dr. M Kavitha Vasundhara. A study of short term (6weeks) wound complications after caesarean section. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(5):567-571.