AbstractIntroduction: Old age is usually discussed in connection with the different types of problems encountered by the aged and the welfare measures associated with providing them a better quality of life. For older adults, prolonged stress can come from chronic illness, disability, or the loss of a spouse. Reflexology is one of the emerging techniques to reduce the stress. It mainly focuses on application of pressure on the certain points at specific places like fingers, toes, on foot, etc. It promotes relaxation in the body.
Objectives: To assess the existing level of stress among the old age people. To assess the effectiveness of foot reflexology among the old age people. To find out the association between stress and selected demographic variables.
Material and Methods: The research approach adopted for this study was an evaluative approach, where the research design was a quasi – experimental (non-equivalent control group) design. The sample of this research study was 60 old age people residing at selected old age homes in Vadodara city. A purposive sampling technique was used to select the sample. The sample of the study was selected using non probability convenient sampling technique. Here, the instrument used was a standard stress scale to assess the stress level of old age people. Foot reflexology was the intervention to be given to the experimental group. The data was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. Independent t-test was used for evaluate effectiveness of foot reflexology.
Result: The mean post-test stress score in experimental group was 11.83 and in control group it was 18.4, which was significantly greater. The ‘t’ calculated value 3.04 is more than tabulated value 2.001 at 0.05 level of significance. So we accept H1 and conclude that the mean post-test stress score of old age people in experimental group is significantly lower than the post-test stress score in control group.
Conclusion: Hence, the Foot Reflexology was effective in relieving the stress.