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ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF


Vol. 2, Issue 5, Part P (2016)

Implementing need hierarchy theory in work settings: Opportunities and Challenges

Implementing need hierarchy theory in work settings: Opportunities and Challenges

Shanti Suman
This study explores the utility of need hierarchy theory (Maslow, 1943) in employees' work context. Though, Maslow has proposed his theory to explain motivation in general population, the theory has extensively been used in the organizations for motivational training programmes. Many theory to explain human motivation is also based on the need hierarchy theory. The need hierarchy theory is very appealing because its ease of understanding. It explains human motivation very effectively and in very simple way. While implementing this theory in work context, managers face difficulty because the theory says that there is individual differences as far as hierarchy of needs are concerned. Hence, to motivate an employee, the management first has to know at which level of the hierarchy of need the person is currently on. This produces challenges in developing a common motivational programme in organizations. From the practical point of view, it is very difficult to study hierarchy of need for every employee and developing a universal motivational programme.
Pages: 1159-1161  |  97 Views  53 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Shanti Suman. Implementing need hierarchy theory in work settings: Opportunities and Challenges. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(5):1159-1161. DOI: 10.22271/allresearch.2016.v2.i5p.11568
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