Vol. 2, Issue 5, Part P (2016)
Rapid screening of process parameters for tannase production in solid state fermentation by Aspergillus japonicus Asp TBG22 (d) using Plackett-Burman statistical design
Rapid screening of process parameters for tannase production in solid state fermentation by Aspergillus japonicus Asp TBG22 (d) using Plackett-Burman statistical design
Neethu RS and Pradeep NS
The culture components influencing the tannase production by Aspergillus japonicus Asp TBG22 (d) using wheat bran as solid substrate were identified using a two-level fractional Plackett–Burman design. Among eleven variables screened, four comprising pH, temperature, inoculum concentration and moisture content positively influence tannase production with maximum tannase production of 3.17U/gds. From the study it was clear that statistical approach allows rapid identification of culture parameters which are significant for tannase production under solid state fermentation. These parameters can further be explored for the production of optimum culture conditions for tannase production.
How to cite this article:
Neethu RS, Pradeep NS. Rapid screening of process parameters for tannase production in solid state fermentation by Aspergillus japonicus Asp TBG22 (d) using Plackett-Burman statistical design. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(5):1073-1077.