Vol. 2, Issue 6, Part F (2016)
Etiopathogenesis and prophylaxis of hypomicroelementoses of cows with calves of the soil - climatic conditions in the regions of Zerafshan valley
Etiopathogenesis and prophylaxis of hypomicroelementoses of cows with calves of the soil - climatic conditions in the regions of Zerafshan valley
Eshburiev Baxtiyar
AbstractEshburiev B.M. Etiopathogenesis and prophylaxis of hypomicroelementoses of cows with calves of the soil - climatic conditions in the regions of Zerafshan valley.
The usage of preparation “Microvit†per a head 50 g a day during 60 days with the aim of prophylaxis of microelementose of cows with calves conduces to bettering the clinical - biochemical status and haemotological indexes, improves the quality of colostrum. All this positively influence on clinical biochemical status of new-born calves, their resistance and after all, lowers the beginning and development of diarrhea of neonatal etiology.
How to cite this article:
Eshburiev Baxtiyar. Etiopathogenesis and prophylaxis of hypomicroelementoses of cows with calves of the soil - climatic conditions in the regions of Zerafshan valley. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(6):349-351.