Vol. 2, Issue 6, Part J (2016)
An approach to the management of poly cystic ovarian disease in Unani system of medicine: A review
An approach to the management of poly cystic ovarian disease in Unani system of medicine: A review
Dr. Kouser Fathima Firdose and Dr. Ismath Shameem
Polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD) is the most common endocrine abnormality of women of reproductive age, and is the commonest cause of infertility due to anovulation. PCOD affects 5-10% of reproductive age women rising till 15% in women with infertility. This disease has been described by eminent Unani Physicians in the classical literary books under the headings of amenorrhoea, obesity, phlegmatic disease and liver disorders.In this review we outline clinical features, presentation and pathogenesis of polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD), treatment objectives and therapeutic options in Unani perspective. We focus on and outline the role of the Unani system of medicine in diagnosis and treatment of this condition. We also review recent information of herbal drugs having effect on insulin resistance in PCOD. Finally, we outline the current and future mode of treatment for this common condition in women. Unani concept of PCOD is mainly based on the dominance of khilte balgham (phlegm). The predominant symptoms of PCOD like amenorrhoea, oligomenorrhoea and obesity have been attributed to arise of phlegm. So it is claimed that PCOD arises due to predominance of phlegm in the body which leads to cyst formation in the ovaries, obesity and amenorrhoea. This disease is complex, as it further gives rise to complications like infertility, cardiovascular ailments, type-2 diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome, carcinoma of breast and endometrium. Such a complicated disease has no satisfactory treatment till now and most often patient gets only symptomatic treatment with hormones and insulin sensitizer and becomes drug dependent in the long term. Unani physicians have recommended regular induction of menstruation as one of treatment modality applied for women who has developed masculine features suggestive of PCOD. They have given a line of management based on correction of temperament, menstrual regulation by use of emmenagogue drugs and local application of herbs to reduce the severity of hair growth, acne and hyper pigmentation due to PCOD.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Kouser Fathima Firdose, Dr. Ismath Shameem. An approach to the management of poly cystic ovarian disease in Unani system of medicine: A review. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(6):585-590.