Vol. 2, Issue 7, Part B (2016)
Utilisation of Bethesda system for reporting thyroid cytopathology: A study of 250 cases
Utilisation of Bethesda system for reporting thyroid cytopathology: A study of 250 cases
Vidhish Lohiya, Anand Raj Kalla and Vivek Bharadwaj
AbstractBackground: FNAC is a useful tool for initial diagnostic work up of thyroid nodule prior to both ultrasound and scintigraphy due to its diagnostic usefulness and cost-effectiveness. It is also useful if a suspicion of cancer exists. It has reduced the need of imaging and surgery and has increased the yield of cancer in patients who come for surgery. Terminology of reporting thyroid FNACs varied markedly from two category schemes to six or more category schemes making it difficult for clinicians to interpret the reports and hindered the sharing of clinically meaningful data among multiple institutions. To address this problem, the National Cancer Institute proposed a new system, named ‘the Bethesda system for reporting thyroid cytopathology’ (TBSRTC) in a conference organized in Bethesda. This system also described the risks of malignancy in each category and their recommended clinical management.
Aim: To classify the thyroid lesions according to Bethesda system for reporting thyroid cytopathology and to find out the pathological spectrum of different thyroid lesions Material and methods: After taking approval from the institutional ethical committee and informed consent, this study was conducted on 250 cases at Department of Pathology SN Medical College, Jodhpur on patients aged between 10 to 70 years of any gender presenting with thyroid swelling. FNAC was performed and diagnosis given as per Bethesda classification.
Results: Out of the total 250 cases studied 10 cases (4%) were Non Diagnostic/ Unsatisfactory, 220 cases (88%) were Benign, 5 cases (2%) were AUS, 4 cases (1.6%) were SFN/FN, 2 cases (0.8%) were Suspicious for malignancy and 9 cases (3.6%) were Malignant.
Conclusion: TBSRTC provides uniform reporting system for thyroid FNA and as it has high specificity, it facilitates effective communication among health care providers.
How to cite this article:
Vidhish Lohiya, Anand Raj Kalla, Vivek Bharadwaj. Utilisation of Bethesda system for reporting thyroid cytopathology: A study of 250 cases. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(7):103-107.