Vol. 2, Issue 7, Part C (2016)
Role of ‘NGOs’ in Social Developmental Sector
Role of ‘NGOs’ in Social Developmental Sector
Dr. HP Jyothi
India is a country of villages and that the successive Government have laid Emphasis on the overall development of villages by designing various social Development Schemes. In this regard the NGOs have greater role to along with many other Organization interested in social Development. The problems and challenges faced by NGOs are numerous and peculiar. The biggest and the most prominent being the inability of NGOs to keep track of all the information generated relating to social Development. Further, these are engaged in various development activities. This article makes an attempt to identify the focuses on needs of NGOs based on a study of active NGOs in Gulbarga District of Hyderabad-Karnataka region. Observes that the NGOs need focuses on support from all the Angles besides requiring training in minimum skills and offers an opportunity for the LIC sector to have collaboration with NGOs in Imparting training in creating awareness of usefulness of society information. Capacity building efforts in nonprofit or Non-Government Organization (NGOs) are assumed to lead to improvement in organizational effectiveness. Donors including private foundation and bilateral Aid Agencies have increasing funded NGOs to improve their capacities in various areas, ranging from strategic planning and financial management to technology transfer and performance assessment.
How to cite this article:
Dr. HP Jyothi. Role of ‘NGOs’ in Social Developmental Sector. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(7):170-173.