Vol. 2, Issue 7, Part G (2016)
Connotation of relocated slums towards drug abuse, alcoholism: A sociological study conducted in Delhi
Connotation of relocated slums towards drug abuse, alcoholism: A sociological study conducted in Delhi
Divya Priyadarshini and Garima Pal
AbstractSlums are the squatter settlements that are found in almost every city or town and become a part of the entire population. These punctuate almost everything and hence have become a part of every city. They reflect the other side of our civilisation and the wretched aspect or the highlighted spots of the city. The slums develop their own culture, subculture and living ways which they invent in the span of time they live there. It consists of variety of peoples who have different perspectives and work hard enough to lift them from the substandard society. In short the slums are a completely new world to which the so called sophisticated and civilised society cannot adjust to.
However, the relocated slums and drug abuse shows a close correlation between each other. The surroundings and conditioning of an individual affects the behaviour of an individual. The location of slums somewhere or the other also contributes to the changed behaviour pattern of an individual. In the current study, the researchers adopted exploratory and ethnographic research method, covering and studying 45 samples both male and female residing at Savda resettlement, J.J. Colony. The study was restricted to the slums of Delhi relocated since 2006.
The present study highlights deviancy that exists within the slum dwellers that have been relocated to far of places and aims at establishing some relationship between relocation and the deviant behaviour. The study also tries to observe the conditions of the slum and activities that they indulge into. Because of relocation the population loses its survival facilities and work and so may indulge into various deviant activities like substance abuse due to frustration, financial issues, distrust, family problems or peer pressure.
How to cite this article:
Divya Priyadarshini, Garima Pal. Connotation of relocated slums towards drug abuse, alcoholism: A sociological study conducted in Delhi. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(7):428-438.