Vol. 2, Issue 7, Part G (2016)
Limnological study of Kurala Dam of Washim district, Maharashtra
Limnological study of Kurala Dam of Washim district, Maharashtra
Wanjari HV
The present study was carried out to study limnological aspects of Kurala reservoir. Kurala dam is one of the minor reservoirs constructed for the irrigation and drinking purpose. The limnological evaluation was based on the diversity of zooplankton, fishes, aquatic birds and physico-chemical parameters of the reservoir. The present study reveals 26 zooplanktons comprising of 11 rotifers, 8 cladocerans, 6 copepodes and 1 ostracode, 11 species of fishes and 20 species of water birds.
How to cite this article:
Wanjari HV. Limnological study of Kurala Dam of Washim district, Maharashtra. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(7):491-494.