Vol. 2, Issue 7, Part K (2016)
Growth and productivity of co-operative sugar factory in Maharashtra
Growth and productivity of co-operative sugar factory in Maharashtra
Dilip P Shinde
Maharashtra sugar industry is one of the most notable and large scale sugar manufacturing sector in the country. The Maharashtra sugar industry has been contributing nearly 40% of India’s, total sugar production. The pace of growth of sugar manufacturing has been massive over the past few years. The latest sugar statistics of sugar production in Maharashtra indicates that this state is doing better than the other states in the country. The sugar industry in Maharashtra is highly popular in the co-operative sector, as farmers own a portion in the sugar factories. These co-operative sugar factories are backbone of the sugar industry of Maharashtra. The Maharashtra sugar industry has been a spectacular growth owing to the different conductive in the state. One of the chief crops manufactured in Maharashtra is sugarcane with most of sugar industries been setup over the years.
How to cite this article:
Dilip P Shinde. Growth and productivity of co-operative sugar factory in Maharashtra. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(7):727-730.