Vol. 2, Issue 8, Part D (2016)
Vibrational spectra of ternary organic conductors using DPPD
Vibrational spectra of ternary organic conductors using DPPD
AN Patel, GK Solanki and AT Oza
The ternary charge transfer complexes of the well-known organic donor namely diphenyl-p-phenylene-diamine (DPPD) have been studied with FTIR spectroscopy. There are two absorption edges – one at the Peierls gap (0.225 eV) and the other at the half of it, i.e. at 0.1125 eV. There is non-universal additional shrinkage of the second gap due to electron-electron scattering. The third gap at 0.056 eV is not observed as observed in the case of benzidine ternary complexes. Rather a free-carrier absorption revealing scattering of charge carriers by acoustic phonons is observed in 700-1000 cm-1 range. This also shows that bipolarons are the charge carriers in DPPD ternary complexes.
How to cite this article:
AN Patel, GK Solanki, AT Oza. Vibrational spectra of ternary organic conductors using DPPD. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(8):246-249.